LAW AND GOSPEL 291 Lamp of Our Feet Whereby We Trace Ps. 119: 105 C. M. St. Anne Bernard Barton, 1826 William Croft, 1708 na His diant when on to God, glo cloud from wont Will Or True Our of ra man path Son; day; high; stray; rious by of lar of of dark, the of our our Pil 2 Bread 1 Lamp 3 4 Word we feed, trace ing es we through where where liv ev fire, souls feet watch on by er won? stay; sky; way. A and yond trav self it chor be the be our the ’ler’s Stream Our men. When With how break chart fount thee, would and the could our where of out waves guide from Or Our Of Brook bark, read grace, trod heav’n an realms by earth toss in heav’n be ing we ly 5 Lord, grant us all aright to learn The wisdom it imparts And to its heav’nly teaching turn With simple, childlike hearts.